Monday, November 23, 2009

Assignment - Week 4-5 "Design Document, Pitch and Plan"

These two weeks as a group it’s all been about the design document, pitch and plan. The first part me and two other members of the team worked on was the layout of the document, we spent a good few hours discussing the layout with relevance to the assignment sheet and came up with a reasonable layout that covers all the points that needed to be addressed. From this we distributed the work between the team members, below is a list of all the work we did.

Edward McGurran – Worked on the Design Ideas, Different Equipment we might need, Literature Review and Document Layout

Lewis Drinnan – Level Design, Narrative, Time and Work Management

Seb McBride – High Key/Low Key/Normal Lighting, Sound, Adding Pictures and Document Layout

Robert Lambert (Myself) – Testing/Evaluation, Communication/Team Management, Bibliography, Literature Review and Document Layout

Tim Leigh – Game Mechanics and Colour

Group – Thesis, Academic Pitch, Academic Argument, Milestones and General Formatting.

Everybody (including myself) had a good amount of work to keep them busy; the way it was distributed was decided by who researched what areas before this assignment, meaning it was easier for them to write about it. Everything turned out well on the design document and was handed in on time.

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